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A member registered Jul 22, 2020

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The good route is when he meets his mother

Haha same! I do not know what the problem is but I guess we’ll have to wait for another update/bugfix.

you have to continue when you get hit by the car; the game will continue beyond that! just keep playing :)

(spoilers be aware) I don’t understand what you are asking? Are you asking to not get a bad ending on Jun? To do that you need to press the “Run” button that appears when Jun is about to get hit. Yuuichi doesn’t die if you play through the game entirely.

They probably censor it xD I don’t know honestly xD

You could go through some Youtube videos where streamers play the game. You could like fast forward until you get a CG you haven’t gotten and go back into the video to see how they got it. I don’t have a link with all the pictures but I did get a lot of my CGI’s from streamers xD

Here’s one person I watch to help myself get the CGI’s:

Mmmm.. I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to help with it. If I had to guess, maybe reinstall the version and redo the Keisuke kiss scene to get it? With Jun, you have to go to the beginning of Day 10 and choose Jun. That’s what happened to me though. For Shoichi, you could scroll through the comments of this website to find when Shoichi’s CG came out to find the choices for it. Sorry I couldn’t help that much :(

He said it in an interview with some creators I think. However, I might be wrong xD

My favorite is Shoichi too and it broke my heart when Shoichi looked very sad/heartbroken when the MC chooses Jun.

(1 edit)

Oh yeah! For the second page upper middle box, it is on Day 5 with Jun. Try it out I’m pretty sure it is. There are two choices and you have to choose: “Help Him” and “Pull Harder”.

For the CG on day 10, you hang out with Jun I think and then you have to make the choice on the Ferris wheel that is called: “Hug him and try to encourage him.”

Sorry if that spoiled anything for you :(

I think on Day 10 you can choose who to hang out with. I might be wrong let me look it over again uwah.

I think the developer of the game said that Jun’s route is the cannon route. However, I might be wrong.

For the Upper right box on Page 5, you have to select the choices on Shoichi’s route:“I still mean it”; Not at all; I can’t bring myself to stay quiet; Be firm; Keep pushing || This should get you on the good path. :)

So I cannot help with some of them as I do not remember the days; however, I can help with some. Page 3, Upper Line to the right is done on Day 10 with Jun. In addition, Page 5 on the upper left box is the pic where Yuuichi kisses Keisuke. You might have to reply that day to gain the CG again since that has happened to me before. The upper right box on page 5 is Shoichi’s route but you have to make specific choices. If you want to know the specific choices, you can look through the comments to find when the last Shoichi build was. I will try to find it :)

New updates to Jun’s route (Day 26/27) which comes with two new CG! If you could list the picture number like Mermidion said then I would be able to help! :D

No you don’t! Well, at least for me it doesn’t. You should be fine :)!

I’m not much of help on the third page but I can help with 5th page! I think the 5th page is the one with Jun’s new update. Try playing through Jun’s new day to try to get the CGI. If you got the 6th one on the 5th page, you have to go farther into the story to reach the 5th CGI from the 5th page. I’m sorry if that was confusing but TLDR try to replay Jun’s new day (Day 27)

***Spoilers for 0.40*** 

I really loved the update and honestly it made me cry a bit :( ;; Seeing Yuuichi not talk to any of his friends was very heartbreaking and it made me feel so sad. Since Shuichi is my favorite, seeing him cry and get angry over Yuuichi being hurt really made me cry a lot. The lines that were like “it’s so unfair.. why does he look at you with those eyes but not me even though I’ve known him longer” really made me feel for Shuichi and made me emotional. I loved how this update had it in Jim’s perspective and it was so much more emotional and heartbreaking through his eyes. I loved the update and I love the game in general. Can’t wait for the next updates! :D